Impregnating Lauren
Impregnating LaurenThe leaves were beginning to fall last year, and the rush was already on at work to increase productivity for year-end reviews. It was the additional stress that “broke” the proverbial “camel’s back”. Lauren and I had just moved to the Boston area from ourhometown in the Midwest. The cost of living in Boston was much higher than we had expected and money was tight, especially with the school loans coming due.Lauren and I had been married for a couple years, and we were trying to start a family. For some reason, however, we were having trouble conceiving. I knew that it couldn’t be Lauren.I never thought I would ever bemoan the opportunity to fuck Lauren silly. But with all of the travails of city life in Boston coupled with the increasing pressure to perform during her “ovulation phase,” I found myself viewing sex as yet another chore on my day-timer for which there was never enough time.Indeed, after nine unsuccessful months of trying, Lauren was convinced that we should go to a fertility clinic to get “checked out” if something didn’t happen this month. Great, just what I needed: more bills that wouldn’t be covered by our insurance.Perhaps out of subconscious avoidance, I didn’t notice the “star” notation in my day-timer that fateful Friday. Even worse, the computer went down in my department and I had a report due for the “big boss.”So, I found myself working well past 9:30 PM before I knew it. I dragged my frayed nerves back home and walked in the door at about five after ten.When I opened the door I knew I was in trouble. Lauren was sitting at the dining room table with her arms folded across her chest. She was wearing a skimpy, black teddy. There were candles flickering as they had almost burned down to the candleholder. An empty bottle of Chardonnay was turned upside down in the ice bucket.”Holy, shit!” It all of a sudden hit me; it was a “star” (ovulation) night. Lauren had gone out of her way to make a romantic meal as a prelude to our inter- course. I guess it was all of the stresses taking their toll, but instead of being contrite and begging forgiveness, I wanted Lauren to feel sorry for my lousy day and me.Well, Lauren would have none of it. She blew up. I blew up. It was the worst fight of our marriage. Looking back on it now, I guess the bottle of wine Lauren had downed and my stressed out mood didn’t help matters. Amazingly, I can’t really remember what we said (or yelled) back and forth. All I recall is that after about fifteen minutes of screaming at one another, Lauren went into the bedroom and put on a short, tight dress and high heels and headed toward the door. As she got to the door, I do remember one particularly clever bit of repartee’: She said “Fuck you!”I replied “No, Fuck you!”Then, Lauren retorted: “Maybe, but it sure as Hell won’t be with you!” The door slammed in my face and I think I kept yelling at Lauren for a good ten minutes after she left. Man, I was mad.I certainly wasn’t going to let her find me waiting for her dutifully in bed when she got home, so I went out into the den with a six pack of beer and watched the end of a baseball game on TV.When I awoke, there was some infomercial on the tube.I reached for another beer, but only found empties.Not being particularly interested in buying a new homeexercise contraption, I clicked off the television,leaving me in darkness except for the illumination ofmy wristwatch, which read 3:24 AM. Just as I was aboutto stumble back to the bedroom I heard a key in thefront door lock.Lauren swayed in, obviously three sheets to the wind.She steadied herself against the back of our sofa andturned back to the door. “Mike, thanks for seeing mehome. Why don’t you come in and I’ll wake-up myasshole husband and we’ll have a nightcap.”In walked Mike, an acquaintance of mine from the citysoftball league. Mike was our clean-up hitter. He’s abig guy, probably 6′ 3″ and 210 lbs. He and I had notbeen close friends during the season, but he seemedlike a decent enough guy. He was nice to bring Laurenhome given her very inebriated state.Lauren started to walk toward the bedroom, but herequilibrium was also three sheets to the wind and shealmost fell over. Mike caught her under the armpitswith his large hands reaching around and cupping herbig breasts.She thanked Mike again for his help and proceeded tokick off her heels so as to regain her balance. Allthe while, Mike stood there with his hands full ofLauren’s tits. Lauren moved away and went into thebedroom, this time without falling over.”Mark…Mark, get your sorry ass out of bed…itsparty time!” I suppose I could have just come out ofthe den at that point, but I was still angry and nowI was a bit drunk too. After a moment, Lauren cameout of the bedroom and said, “That dick-head’s outsomewhere partying on his own. Well, to Hell with him,we can still have a nightcap!”Lauren went into the kitchen and brought out a coupleof beers, handed one to Mike and proceeded to chughers down. When she finished I saw her close her eyesalmost as if she was going to pass out. Mike reachedover and again steadied her by grasping her breasts.Lauren began to slur another thank you when Mikestarted to kiss her. On the one hand, I was jealous,but on the other hand I was a lot stubborn. I resolvedto myself to let Lauren get herself out of the messshe was getting into.I suppose that it was the alcohol, but Lauren didn’tpull away. Instead, she began to kiss him back. Theirtongues were battling one another, then Mike began toknead Lauren’s breasts. Almost immediately, hernipples became erect and were visible through herdress. She hadn’t put on a bra when she left duringour argument so there was only the thin material ofher dress between her and Mike’s probing fingers.Lauren was beginning to breathe harder as they con-tinued their passionate kiss. Mike adroitly wasunzipping the back of Lauren’s dress. Again, common-sense would have brought any normal husband barrelingin to put an end to his moves. But, the beer and mybruised male ego prevented any common sense from sur-facing at that crucial moment.In one motion, Mike brought Lauren’s dress down overher lowered arms with gravity taking it the remainingdistance to the floor. Lauren broke her french kissand opened her eyes.Those crystal blues were glassy and disoriented.Lauren shallow breathing seemed to strain as sheappeared to summon enough will power to fend off anyfurther advances. Yet, before Lauren’s lips couldform the word “no”, Mike reached one large handbetween Lauren’s long legs, canlı kaçak iddaa and began massaging thegrowing wet spot at the crotch of her panties.Lauren’s body writhed impulsively as Mike manipulatedher genitals through the sopping silk material. Inwhat must have been a practiced maneuver to preventnegative responses, Mike pressed his lips back againstLauren’s, which passively parted and accepted hisprobing tongue.Nimbly, Mike’s massive fingers unsnapped the pulledLauren’s underwear down her lovely legs revealing herblond pubic hair. Lauren immediately began to squirmin an effort to break away, but Mike slipped his rightindex finger into her vagina and started rubbing herclitoris with his oversized thumb.As I stood in the shadows of the den, I realized thatI had painted myself into a corner. If I emerged tointervene, how could I explain why I had waited? Moreconfusing was my engorged penis straining to burst outof my underwear. I quickly concluded that I had torely on Lauren to extricate herself from her develop-ing dilemma.Lauren seemed to be resisting Mike’s onslaught, butMike had found her Achilles’ Heel: her clit. As heincreased the speed and pressure on Lauren’s lovebutton, she capitulated somewhat and spread her legswider to permit him greater access. Mike sensed hissuccess and slid a second finger into Lauren’s pussy.Maybe she didn’t immediately recognize the signifi-cance of Mike’s second finger, but any high schoolmale would know that he was trying to loosen her upso he could quickly shove in his dick in before sheknew what was happening. Realizing that Mike wasunaware that Lauren was off the pill and ovulating,my anxiety heightened.As Mike finger-fucked my wife, Lauren’s lubricatingjuices flowed down the inside of her bare thighs anddrenched his pistoning hand. Her cunt began to makeslurping sounds, then I noticed Mike using his lefthand to lower his zipper. Lauren saw him fumbling tofree his cock, too.Just as he seemed to get it out of his pants, Laurenlooked down, her eyes grew wide and her body convulsedin what looked like an incredible orgasm.Rather than cheating Lauren out of her pleasure, Mikedelayed his prior plan and worked her pussy andclitoris like a musical instrument. Time and timeagain, Lauren’s breasts and stomach heaved and herpelvis bucked with orgasm after orgasm. When sheplateaued, albeit a high plateau, she smiled at Mikeand said “let me return the favor.”As Lauren dropped to her knees and pulled down Mike’spants and boxers in preparation for a blowjob, Ithought: “Thank God! Now that she’s come, she’s onlygoing to suck him off.”In willing agreement, Mike shifted his position tomake it easier for Lauren to suck on him. It was thenthat I saw his cock for the first time.I now appreciated why Lauren’s eyes had bulged. Mike’scock was mammoth; in length it must be an honest 10 ormaybe even 11 inches and in girth it appeared widerthan Lauren’s wrist. When she tried to grasp hisengorged member, her fingers couldn’t quite encirclethat massive rod. It was so heavy with infused bloodthat Mike’s dick could only point out at about a 45degree angle. Yet, the most prominent feature wasMike’s massive bulbous head, which was even largerthan the remainder of his cock, and it was uncir-cumcised. An unusual site, especially for Lauren,since I was cut, and mine was the only cock she’d seenuntil tonight.Lauren was obviously enthralled by Mike’s penis.Mike’s 10+-inch monster was far more difficult tohandle than my regular sized pecker. Lauren must haverealized that there was no way she could get more thana few inches in her mouth.She began kissing and licking Mike’s dick in anuncharacteristically slutty manner. But, length wasn’tthe real problem; it was girth. Lauren opened her jawas wide as possible, but she was only able to acceptthe head of Mike’s cock, and then only barely withoutrunning the risk of nicking him with her teeth.Lauren continued undaunted and began to fondle histesticles in hopes of bringing him off. Mike’s ballsmatched his cock in dimensions. They were more thana handful and ripe as g****fruit.After about ten minutes of straining to wrap her lipsaround Mike’s prodigious organ, Lauren’s jaw grewtired. She looked up dejectedly, having failed toreciprocate. Then, with apprehension apparent in hervoice, Lauren said, “If you want, I guess you can fuckme … but you’ll have to pull out before you come.”The words rang in my ears. It was one thing toacknowledge that your wife was about to have sex withanother, better hung man. It was quite another for herto do it unprotected, at the peak of her fertilitycycle.Mike guided her back to her feet and swept her up intohis arms. With his cock swaying back and forth, hewalked over to our living room sofa and laid Laurendown on her back.From my vantagepoint, I could see her cunt clearly. Itwas sopping and her labia were swollen and red fromthe finger fuck. Mike wasted no time in positioninghimself between my wife’s splayed legs. His plumptesticles obstructed the sight of his cock as it easeditself into Lauren’s fertile pussy. Mike took it quiteslowly, until he was completely imbedded and his ballsrested on the couch between Lauren’s legs.As he withdrew and began to pump it back in, Laurenstarted to breathe rapidly, but in a shallow fashion.This response caused Mike to quicken his pace. Laurensounded as if she were hyperventilating, although hergasps were interspersed with the sloshing sound comingfrom her pussy as Mike pistoned away.To my amazement, Mike balls seemed to expand evenlarger as he pounded his dick against my wife’s cervix.His breathing also increased as did his vigorousgrinding into Lauren’s cunt. She was all but obliviousnow, and I realized that she had tilted her pelvis upto maximize Mike’s already deep penetration. She wasalso bucking back to meet his thrusts.Concern grew inside me as Mike neared his climax. Itwas already far too risky to have allowed him entryinto Lauren’s receptive vagina without a condom, butthe thought of him shooting his load near the entranceof her fertile womb was too much. It was time for Miketo pull out! Just then Mike grunted, “I’m about tocum!”He started to slide his cock out of Lauren’s stretchedpussy, but then Lauren wrapped her legs around hiswaist and forcefully pulled him back until she wasagain fully impaled. The sudden motion must have beentoo much for Mike. He grunted deeply, his whole bodytensed and his buttocks clenched as he ejaculated. Isaw Lauren’s hand reach around and begin to knead hisover-inflated canlı kaçak bahis scrotum.To my despair, Mike continued to grunt with smallerthrusts. As he thrust, Lauren’s fingers deftly strokedand squeezed as Mike’s testicles slowly deflated. Afterabout a minute, Mike’s balls were a wrinkled and normalsized.He seemed to regain his composure and looked at hiswatch. Perhaps fearing that I would walk in at anymoment, Mike abruptly stood up – his softening memberslurping out of Lauren’s distended cunt. He hiked uphis pants (through it all, Mike had never removed histrousers) and fastened his belt. He leaned over topeck Lauren on the cheek, but she was on another plane.Realizing this, and maybe concerned that he had takenadvantage of an inebriated woman, Mike slipped out thefront door without saying a word.I stood paralyzed in the darkness of the den. From myvantagepoint, I looked directly between Lauren’sspread legs, in fact one was now slung over the backof the sofa. Simultaneously, the sight was arousingand terrifying.Lauren’s blond pubic hair was matted, but it wasdwarfed by the gaping opening, which had once been hertight pussy. On either side was a swollen, bright redflap of skin that was recognizable as Lauren’s labialips.And oozing out of her vagina were streams of viscousmilky fluids. My mind was racing and all my thoughtswere jumbled. Initially, I suppose I thought thatLauren would come too and clean herself out, maybeeven douche. But, she just lay there, her eyes shutand her breasts gently heaving in the aftermath of Godknows how many orgasms.Well, if she wasn’t going to do something, I had to,I thought. I emerged from the shadows looking aroundfor something to use to clean out Lauren’s soddenchannel to her womb. Of course, there was nothing inthe living room.Instinctively… desperately, I kneeled betweenLauren’s thighs. The aroma was actually neutral, whichI didn’t expect. I extended my index finger in aneffort to extract Mike’s semen. Lauren twitchedslightly when I made contact with her genitals. Whilethe dripping fluids were quite sticky, trying tocapture it with my fingers was like trying to holdmercury.I realized at that moment that the whole experiencehad turned me on incredibly, watching another man fuckmy wife, I also felt frustrated, and knew that therewas only one other choice. I closed my eyes and myface contorted as I leaned forward and brought mytongue to the opaque flow seeping from Lauren’s body.The taste was neutral, but sort of sweet tasting.Initially, I recoiled, but I forced myself to take adeeper lick. Slowly, I became accustomed to the taste.I swirled my tongue trying to coax every drop ofMike’s sperm out of Lauren’s cunt. As I did, I heardher begin to moan quietly. She gyrated her hips bring-ing her pubis closer to my mouth.When my tongue could go no deeper into the overlyenlarged cavern of her stretched vagina, I resorted tosucking and slurping the sticky goo out. The noises Iwas making (and, for that matter, the noises that werecoming from Lauren’s pussy) were quite loud, but I wason a mission and ignored the sounds. When I came upfor a brief breath, I saw that Lauren’s eyes were openand watching me. There was a smirk on her face.She grasped the back of my head and guided my mouthback to its job. After a good twenty minutes of lick-ing, slurping and sucking every reachable remnant ofMike’s seed from Lauren’s vagina, I lifted my face outof my wife’s cunt. My face was a sticky mess. I amsure I had semen everywhere… up my nose… on myeyebrows… even in my hair. It was then that Inoticed that I had one hell on an erection. I figuredthat it was only appropriate that I place my semen inthe very place that I had cleansed of the invadingsperm.There was absolutely no resistance as I climbed upLauren’s body and mounted her. In fact, there wasvirtually no friction once I slipped my cock to her.Thrust as I might, I couldn’t feel my dick touchanything at the end of Lauren’s vagina.Mike’s onslaught had driven Lauren’s cervix deepwithin. Within about a couple of dozen strokes, Ifelt Lauren’s fingers on my balls. Instantaneously,I remembered the way she had squeezed every lastdrop of sperm from Mike’s testicles, and I exploded!When I withdrew, my penis shrinking to prepubescentsize, I looked down. I couldn’t see any fluids oozingforth as had Mike’s. Just as well, I thought, mysperm is puddled on Lauren’s inviting cervix at thisvery moment, making its way into the womb in searchof her ripe egg.-=*=-The next morning the fight from the night before wasforgotten. Lauren and I found ourselves fucking allweekend long. There was a tinge of guilt in my mind,however. Each time I found myself thinking of theimage of Mike’s plump, oversized balls emptying theircontents into my wife’s snatch. The vision seemed toinstantaneously trigger my climax. When I came, Ialways caught Lauren looking at me with that smirkturning up the corners of her mouth. It was as if sheknew what I was thinking at the moment of orgasm.Irrationally, I felt that Lauren could read my mindand I felt a little bit humiliated as I withdrew myshrinking dick from her vagina.-=*=-A couple of weeks passed and things appeared to returnto normal. Work was crazy as always and the incidentwith Mike stayed unspoken, and hopefully, forgotten.Then, one Thursday afternoon, I got a call from Laurenat the office.”Honey, I hope I’m not interrupting you…” Laurenbegan.”No, Hon, just reworking the fourth draft of the year-end budget performance analysis. What’s up?””He’s dead!” she replied.There was silence on the line as I tried to figure outwhat the Hell Lauren was talking about.Finally, I bit. “Who’s dead, Lauren?””The rabbit.”Densely, I said: “What rabbit? We don’t have anyrabbits.””THE rabbit, dimwit” Lauren explained. “I just triedmy second home pregnancy testing kit and it shows thatwe’re going to be parents!” With that, the excitementburst through in her voice.At last! One huge load was lifted from my shoulders!Lauren and I talked for about five minutes before myboss interrupted us. As I hung up, we agreed tocelebrate at dinner. Although we couldn’t afford anice dinner out, I promised to bring home a bottle ofChampagne.On the way home, I must admit that I was on cloudnine. This was the best news that I had had in sometime. Maybe my luck was changing.When I got home with the champagne, I found thatLauren was out. No matter, I thought. To be especiallynice, I started dinner. It also gave me a chance tochill the bubbly.Lauren came through the front door bahis siteleri canlı about 20 minuteslater. She looked radiant. Her cheeks were rosy andthere was a discernable glow about her. Pregnancy wasdefinitely agreeing with her. We met midway betweenthe kitchen and the living room and embraced.”Sorry, I was running a little late. I ran into toMike at the supermarket and told him our great news.He was so excited for us that we ended up celebrat-ing… And… well… I guess I celebrated a littlemuch… and I kinda need to ask for a favor.”With that Lauren lifted the hem of her short dressuntil it was above her pubic area. She wasn’t wearingany panties. Then as I looked closer, I saw the imagethat had been recurring in my daydreams. Lauren’slabia were pink, swollen and distended. Her pussy wasgaping open with milky fluids everywhere. It was justthe same as after Mike had fucked her two weeksbefore.Precariously dangling from her stretched vaginalchannel was a huge glob of semen seemingly on theverge of plummeting from its own weight to the ground.After Lauren discerned that I had fully taken in thesight of her recently fucked cunt, she caught my eyeand coyly said: “Hon, would you do me that favor thatyou did last time?”I stuttered, “But Lauren, you’re pregnant now…there’s no need to clean out his cum.”Lauren rolled her head from side to side as a babymight when asking for a present. “I know … but itreally made my sore pussy feel good last time…and,if you wouldn’t really mind, I would kinda like tocontinue to fuck Mike from time to time… and, I wasthinking that after I have the baby, I don’t want togo back on the pill because I want more k**s … so,it might be good practice for you so you’ll be ableto get out all of his sperm when I’m not pregnant.After all you don’t really seem to mind, do you.”There was silence. Lauren looked at me, knowinglybiting her lower lip in a seductive fashion. My replycame when I dropped to my knees and caught the danglingglobule of semen on my tongue, as she looked down atme.-=*=-I must admit that I’ve grown accustomed to the tasteof Mike’s come. During Lauren’s pregnancy, she wouldmeet Mike a couple of times a month and come home forcleaning. I became rather adept snaking my tongue atthe deeper recesses of her vagina (which have becomeeven deeper because of Mike).In fact, in one position, where Lauren spreads herlegs and pulls them back over her shoulders, I caneven reach her cervix with my swabbing tongue. I feela lot better now than I did that first night about myability to extract Mike’s sperm from her vagina.Nevertheless, I still felt somewhat jealous andhumiliated by this whole routine. Towards the seventhmonth of Lauren’s pregnancy, I suggested that shecurtail her dalliances with Mike. She politely refused.”Honey, I’m about to have my first baby. c***dbirthcan be extremely painful, especially the first time.I figure that it’ll hurt a lot less if I am stretchedout down there as much as possible before hand. Asyou’ve probably noticed, Mike’s cock can really dosome stretching!”So, instead of fewer encounters, Lauren started to seeMike almost every day. She even began to bring himhome while I was there, “to do my Lamaze homework” asshe called it. Of course, when Mike left our bedroom,I’d go in and lap up the remnants. Finally, after theeighth month, the doctor told Lauren that she shouldabstain until birth to avoid a premature delivery.-=*=-Well, that was five months ago, and we are now theproud parents of a beautiful baby girl. She looks justlike Lauren. In the months since our baby’s arrival,things have been wonderful. We can’t wait to haveanother little blessing.Lauren has worked diligently at regaining her figure.She now fits into the same clothes as before herpregnancy. This morning as I came out of the shower,I caught her in the buff inspecting herself in frontof the mirror. She turned at all various angles, aswomen are wont to do when sizing up their appearance.It was amazing: not a single stretch mark on her bodyfrom the pregnancy. She must have been made of rubber!But one nice side effect was that her breasts were atleast one cup size larger, up to a full EE-cup now.When she noticed me watching her, Lauren smiled andsaid: “not too bad for a recent Mommy, wouldn’t youagree?””Lauren” I replied, “if I take off this towel I thinkyou’ll see my body’s answer to that question.”Thanks, but you better keep the towel on or you’llbe late for work. Besides you may get a chance latertonight to show me what’s under that towel!””Ummm, great thought Honey.” I said as I rubbed myhands up and down her taut abdomen.”Oh, by the way Hon, can you watch Lisa for a whileafter work? I’ve got to run out for awhile …””Sure, no problem. I’ll be hard and ready when you getback.””I bet you will, lover. But, you better limber up thatgreat tongue of yours. I’ve got an urge to visit Mike.Of course, I’m not exactly certain, but I think Imight be ovulating today. So, you’ll need to be extrathorough.”Lauren stared at me in the mirror. She hadn’t beenwith Mike since she was eight months pregnant withLisa. I thought she might have outgrown her desirefor him.Of course, I now realize that she wanted to get herfigure back before seeing him again. There was nomistaking the tingling anxiety pulsing through mybody. Except for that first unplanned encounter, myefforts at removing Mike’s sperm from Lauren’s cunthad not really mattered. Now, everything was againon the line. I’m sure Lauren could feel my hard-onpressing against her through my towel when I suggested”Why not just have Mike use a condom”.She turned around and purposely looked down at theprotrusion in the front of my towel and replied: “Oh,I thought of that. Unfortunately, Mike is allergic tolatex, so he can’t. So, it’s either go back on thePill or rely on your tongue. Since we are probablygoing to start working on a brother for Lisa prettysoon, the Pill’s out of the question. So, it lookslike your tongue will just have to do the job. Don’tyou agree?”My silence signaled my response.”I thought you’d see it my way.” Lauren replied as shepatted my erection through the towel.-=*=-So, here I am. I just put Lisa down in her crib andI’m waiting for Lauren to come home with her pussyfull of Mike’s cum. I’m pretty confident that I canintercept his sperm before they make their way upinside Lauren’s uterus. But, I’m a little bit worriedabout the delay between the time that Mike actuallyshoots his load at the mouth of Lauren’s cervix andthe time that it takes for her to get home.I should really put my foot down about this wholebusiness, but I do look forward to our sex afterLauren comes home from on of her sessions with Mike.I just worry about who is really Lisa’s father, andwho it will be who gets her pregnant the next time.Oh well…