The Sissy Gene: Prologue
The Sissy Gene: PrologueAn amazing study has shown how to weed out inferior men from the age of 16 by identifying a certain gene in the boy’s body: The Sissy Gene. This method has shown 100% success rate and has now been implemented as a global law. Promoting world peace, decreasing poverty , increasing employment, and strengthening future generations. The basis of the study is to label certain men as Sissies, creating a 3rd gender below male and female. Whereas men and woman are considered to be equal, Sissies are considered below them, and even in some cases below pets and other domesticated a****ls. In order to differentiate men from sissies is to issue a sure fire test. All boys at the age of 16 go through a testing phase. It is there they are given a title of Man or Sissy, depending on the evaluation of the test. Basically if you cock is under 4 1/2 inches of length, and through scientific tests it is proven that it will not grow any more then that boy is officially becomes a sissy and his gender is changed forever. Now the remaining men go through an additional test to also see how large their cocks will grow to in the future. Those well endowed men who are tested to show and expected size of of 8 inches or higher are given the label alpha males. Though the race of sissies is very diverse, most alpha males are either Black or Caucasian (black being a higher %).Through the testing’s further discoveries have been made. Sissies are found canlı bahis to be much weaker, smaller body frames, and weaker intellect when compared to both males and females. In order to compensate for this sissies are put on very strict diets and daily workout routines. These workouts eliminate the need for muscle gain as science has already proven a Sissy cannot grow physically stronger. By the age of 20 Sissies are known to have the average strength of a 16 year old female. Instead these workouts focus more on weight loss, and of course plenty of squats. Squats are necessary in order to counter react medications that will be prescribed for Sissies when they are identified, as weight may increase in the lower body. These tablets contain a large amount of estrogen while at the same time stopping testosterone development in the Sissy’s body, allowing for a healthier Sissy. Reason for using estrogen rather than increasing testosterone is because a sissy’s body is too weak to handle testosterone, so instead estrogen is used as an replacement. As a result sissies tend to gain weight around their hips and chest, while becoming thinner at the waist. This also causes the Sissy’s genital to shrink as well, un able to get hard through common stroking, the sissy relies on prostate simulation to become aroused. Due to the loss in size the Sissy’s cock can no longer be referred to as a cock, but is now medically known as a clit (not to be confused bahis siteleri with a female clitoris, but close in size). This medication is prescribed and mandatory, it is a criminal offense to not abide by these rules set forth for sissies, daily consumption is required. Now after the testing process is finished the sissies, men and alpha males are sent to school depending on their gender. All Regular males go to normal schools in regular school districts with females located in that district. But Alpha Males and Sissies go to a special school located in different communities around the world. These schools being very hi end only allow females who are of upper class, or have a sibling who is an alpha male that has currently or previously attended school there. The reason sissies are sent to the same school as the alphas is to allow the alphas to mentor the sissies who are both physically and mentally beneath them, almost like a tutoring program. In fact becoming a sissy is very over whelming for some boys, so benefit programs have been added so that they may become more accustomed. Sissies at the age of 16 can join the implant rewards program, by following the rules and doing community service the government allows sissies to receive free breast implants. These implants help the sissy tremendously by helping secure jobs in the future. It has basically become a requirement for Sissy’s to have breast implants for higher paying jobs. bahis şirketleri By for those who wish to keep their regular figures there are many brand new entrance jobs created just for sissies. These jobs are only for Sissies, men and woman are not able to apply, and required little to no experience. All of these jobs are run and controlled by the government, and have many benefits. One new job is Sexual stress handler, due to many Alpha males jobs tending to be highly stressful, the government offers many clinics that allow alpha males to relieve themselves with the help of one of our sexual stress handlers. Also due to the recent changes prostitution has become legalized and is run by the government. Sissies now at the age of 18 can choose after they graduate if they want to become a prostitute by choice. Effectively eliminating the sex trade and lowering crime in many major cities. The World has truly become a better place for Men, Woman And Sissies everywhere.End of PrologueMessage from Writer:Hello everyone. I was surprised at the amount of people who liked the story that I have put up recently. I made those for fun and I assumed no one would actually read it, but I was surprised at the number of friend requests, comments and messages I received asking for more. This Prologue I made was for another story that I was thinking about, and it is just info about the world. Let me know if it interests you, and you would like to see this story including my sissy school one. This story in particular will be focusing on a boy named Steven who at the age of 16 was found to have the sissy gene, and his life after that. Let me know what you think =D I am always open to suggestions.